Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sauteed Onions & Mushrooms in a Lowfat Sauce

OK, it has been a couple of days since my last post. So I have been trying to eat healthier.  Who doesn't like carb foods right! Well I  have been trying to keep my carbs and fats to the bare minimum.  In doing this I have to come up with some ideas to keep  my food tasty.  I always just experiment and if it taste good it's a go, if not I just don't make that dish again. Trail and error! The other day I was making lunch and I made myself a lean hamburger patty .  I thought, this would be great with some sauteed veggies in a cream sauce.  I go to the refrigerator and find I have mushrooms and onions. I think that's all I need. I sauteed these in a frying pan with some cooking spray then added water a little non fat sour cream and a little seasoning.  I had that over my hamburger patty and surprisingly it satisfied me. You can make this with regular sour cream and  beef broth for a more richer sauce. It can't hurt to try. Use your imagination. Some suggestions would be to use chicken broth and serve over chicken. A little wine too.
So today I'm going to share that recipe with you. 

Sauteed Onions & Mushrooms in a Lowfat Sauce

1/2 sliced white onion (peeled & clean)
1 cup sliced mushrooms (cleaned)
1 cup water (or your choice of broth,wine etc.)
1/2 cup non fat sour cream (or your choice of regular or light etc)
Cooking Spray
Garlic Powder/or salt

Place a large frying on medium heat. Spray with a good amount of cooking spray then add onions, mushrooms and a dash of seasonings.  Saute until golden brown then add water. Cook until almost boiling then add sour cream. Stir until blended well.  Adjust to taste.
Serve over Beef patty, chicken breast, pork chops and potatoes.

Remember have fun and make it yours.

And that's the "DISH" for today!

blog it baby.......because everyone likes to blog!

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